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John Savino - Online Memorial Website

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John Savino
Born in New York
65 years
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One of my favorite and most memorable days with my Dad was when I was 12 years old and we rode the motorcycle to the airport and then we flew the plane around the Statue of Liberty. It was one of the last flights he took with the plane before he sold it. My Dad was so Badass!
Rosa Savino

10 years of adventure and memories we shared.  The best memory was when

we rode cross country on the motorcycle.  Our back sides needed a break, so

we rented a houseboat on Lake Powell in Utah.  That night, there was severe

storm.  We could not control the houseboat; the rain, the wind, the waves. 

You sent me out on the wet slippery deck to lift up a anchor that was heavier

then me and wedge it between the rocks in the canyons.  I could not get it

right the first few attempts and you were so mad at me.  I fell on the deck and

you yelled at me.  I yelled back.  We had our biggest verbal fight ever.

What was I supposed to know about houseboats and anchoring them? 

Oh but how we laughed about it the next day.  The lake was so still, not a ripple.

It was a mirror reflection of the sky.  Stars above and stars below.

What beauty!!   

Lynn Lenart ( Savino )
My most special memories are either riding on the back of the sportster to Englishtown to watch dad race.  Or,  flying with my dad just doing touch and goes.  I truly had the coolest Dad ever !!! 
Lucy Aikman
I'll never forget our little house up in the country, just the three of us and Trecca. What a simple life that was, easy and fun. Then getting  the airplane and going to Block Island just for hamburgers, and Jessica flying it as a small child. I'll always remember going upstate and running out of gas late at night, we glided into a motel and rang the bell to get.The owner never answered so we all slept in the freezing car till 6 a.m. And the time you were teaching me to drive for the first time.  It was the 55 chevy and we were up in the mountains somewhere and I cound not drive at all no less a stick shift, so I jumped out of the car after fighting with you and you took off and left me basically in a cow pasture about 2 miles from where we where staying. I had to walk about 3/4 of a mile before I saw you waiting with the car, was I pissed. I have all sorts of small memories of everyday life with John, we were both so young......
Linda Ungson
We were very much in love many years ago. I left my native California to follow you to Brooklyn, NY. I would never trade my time with you and the experiences that I lived with you during our 2 years together.  The 1960’s were a very wild time.  
The one regret I have is that we did not have the time together to share our lives with our daughter. It was almost 35 years later when I finally found you again and was able to reunite Heather with her father. It was too short a time between then and now, as Heather and I will miss your smile and love that we never had the opportunity to know.
Total Memories: 6
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